
What is Mitigomin Agriculture?

Mitigomin, the Algonquin word for an acorn from the red oak tree ; We are a green enterprise that values the environment, health, tradition and Nature. Located on Algonquin territory, we have a love for all plants but specialize in herbs and native species. We sell 30+ different varieties of herbal teas that are grown naturally in our gardens.

Kayoki Post-Whiteduck



Kayoki is Algonquin anishinawbe from Kitigan Zibi Quebec. He has dedicated his life to exploring the wonders of the plant kingdom.
He has studied in Horticulture, Herbology and as a Tea sommelier.
Kayoki has worked many jobs in his field, such as tree planter, seed collector, brush cutter, landscaper, nursery plant worker, fruit picker and now he runs his own farm.

Our Mission

Mitigomin Agriculture’s mission is to bring healthy, organic, environmentally friendly products to the market and good vibes to the world.

“Many of the world’s problems can be solved in a garden”  -  Nick Poeta

How Kayo-Tea Started

Mint has been my favourite plant since I started studying horticulture. I love all the unique aromas from all the different varities. One day back in the summer of 2015 i decided to build a garden bed full of all my favourite mint plants; Spearmint, peppermint, ginger mint, chocolate mint, apple mint, orange mint, strawberry mint, sweet lemon mint and pear mint.

Later that fall i when i harvested these plants to make some teas, I decided to sell a few bags to some friends and family. It was then when a family member of mine suggest I pursue this idea as business. Now after many hours of gardening, here I am supplying tea lovers with fresh local organic herbal teas.


Watch our APTN interview about kayo-Tea here!